Wednesday, November 25, 2015

4 Tips for Launching a Lead Generation Campaign

Lead generation campaigns help attract new customers who are truly interested in what it is you have to say or sell. Instead of buying customers, lead generation marketing harnesses compelling content to attract visitors and convert them into leads or customers. Here’s are a few cornerstones of a successful lead generation campaign.

1. Develop a complete marketing strategy. You don’t want to jump head-first into a half-baked idea. You’ll end up spending time and resources without seeing results. Having a plan will allow you to map out and measure every step of the campaign.

2. Create optimized landing pages that visitors will be directed to before they end up on your main website. Landing pages are specifically designed to encourage customers to take a specific step. For example, you may want visitors to signup for a mailing list or purchase your product on-the-spot.

3. Make your website content keyword-rich. SEO is still one of the best ways to increase organic ranking. If you want your customers to find you, make sure your content includes the same keywords and phrases they’ll be searching for on Google.

4. Utilize social media to get your information in front of customers. Social media is incredibly powerful because of the enormous number of users it has. Your audience is accessing social media on a daily basis from a variety of devices.

When you’re ready to get started with this style of marketing, consider hiring an experienced lead generation company instead of trying to go it alone.

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